Development of Document Management System
Document management system is a process of creating and storing documents electronically. A web application was implemented in the department of Computer Science to save and search the incoming documents for the university. A development of the system has been made to improve the functionality of the system, include extra tasks and rewrite the code in a modular way.
The system can now create new documents by using the templates available in the system; and users can easily find these documents from the database of the system. Users of the system can also insert the incoming documents from other directories by inserting its information and scan the document to be saved in the database as well so the document can be accessed later by performing the easy search implemented in the system. The created documents can also be printed.
The application is implemented in a modular way and can be extended at any time and stage. It has been designed be using external CSS style sheets files so the design of the system can be changed effortlessly. PHP is used as the server programming language and MySQL as the database for the application. JavaScript and jQuery is also used as client side programming.
Designing the project — Dec 21, 2013 9:00:29 PM
Meeting — Nov 18, 2013 7:52:05 AM
Study the Code — Nov 4, 2013 8:57:49 AM