5-6 PassByValue

Post date: Mar 29, 2014 4:51:03 PM

//This program demonstrates that only a copy of an argument is passed into a method.

package passbyvalue;

public class PassByValue 


        public static void main(String[] args)


          int number = 99; // number starts with 99

          // Display the value in number.

          System.out.println( "number is " + number);

          // Call changeMe, passing the value in number as an argument.


          // Display the value in number again.

          System.out.println("number is " + number);


        //The changeMe method accepts an argument and then changes the value of the parameter.

        public static void changeMe(int myValue)


            System.out.println("I an changing the value.");

            //Change the myValue parameter variable to 0.

            myValue = 0;

            // Display the value in myValue.

            System.out.println("Now the value is " + myValue);


