Postfix and Prefix modes of the increment and decrement operators

Post date: Feb 11, 2013 8:57:03 AM

// This program demonstrates the postfix and prefix

// modes of the increment and decrement operators.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


int num = 4;

// Illustrate postfix and prefix ++ operator

cout << num << " "; // Displays 4

cout << num++ << " "; // Displays 4, then adds 1 to num

cout << num << " "; // Displays 5

cout << ++num << "\n\n"; // Adds 1 to num, then displays 6

// Illustrate postfix and prefix -- operator

cout << num << " "; // Displays 6

cout << num-- << " "; // Displays 6, then subtracts 1 from num

cout << num << " "; // Displays 5

cout << --num << "\n\n"; // Subtracts 1 from num, then displays 4

return 0;


Program Output

4 4 5 6

6 6 5 4