Left and Right Manipulators

Post date: Jan 28, 2013 5:48:35 PM

// This program illustrates the use of the left and right manipulators.

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip> // Needed to use stream manipulators

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()


string month1 = "January",

month2 = "February",

month3 = "March";

int days1 = 31,

days2 = 28,

days3 = 31;

double high1 = 22.6,

high2 = 37.4,

high3 = 53.9;

cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(1);

cout << "Month Days High\n";

cout << left << setw(12) << month1

<< right << setw(4) << days1 << setw(9) << high1 << endl;

cout << left << setw(12) << month2

<< right << setw(4) << days2 << setw(9) << high2 << endl;

cout << left << setw(12) << month3

<< right << setw(4) << days3 << setw(9) << high3 << endl;


 return 0;




 Program Output

Month Days High

January 31 22.6

February 28 37.4

March 31 53.9
