2-19 Discount

Post date: Jan 22, 2014 2:05:16 PM

// This program calculates the sale price of an

// item that is regularly priced at $59, with

// a 20 percent discount subtracted.

package discount;

public class Discount 


    public static void main(String[] args) 


            // Variables to hold the regular price, the

            // amount of a discount, and the sale price.

            double regularPrice = 59.0;

            double discount;

            double salePrice;

            // Calculate the amount of a 20% discount.

            discount = regularPrice * 0.2;

            // Calculate the sale price by subtracting

            // the discount from the regular price.

            salePrice = regularPrice - discount;

            // Display the results.

            System.out.println("Regular price: $" + regularPrice);

            System.out.println("Discount amount $" + discount);

            System.out.println("Sale price: $" + salePrice);      

