5-10 CupConverter

Post date: Apr 3, 2014 4:02:39 PM

//This program converts cups to fluid ounces.

package cupconverter;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class CupConverter 


        public static void main(String[] args) 


           double cups;       // To hold the number of cups

           double ounces;  // To hold the number of ounces

           // Get the number of cups.

           cups = getCups();

           // Convert the cups to fluid ounces.

           ounces = cupsToOunces(cups);

           // Display the results.





        The getCups method prompts the user to enter a number

        of cups.

        @return The number of cups entered by the user.


        public static  double getCups()


            String input;             // To hold input.

            double numCups;   // To hold cups.

            // Get the number of cups from the user.

            input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

            "This program converts measurements\n"+

            "in cups to fluid ounces. For your\n"+

            "reference the formula is:\n"+

            "     1 cup = 8 fluid ounces\n\n"+

            "Enter the number of cups.");

            // Convert the input to a double

            numCups = Double.parseDouble(input);

            // Return the number of cups.

            return numCups;



        The cupsToOunces method converts a number of

        cups to fluid ounces, using the formula

        1 cup = 8 fluid ounces.

        @param numCupa The number of cups to convert.

        @return The number of ounces.


        public static double cupsToOunces(double numCups)


            return numCups * 8.0;



        The displayResults method displays a message showing

        the results of the conversion.

        @param cups A number of cups.

        @param ounces A number of ounces.


        public static void displayResults(double cups, double ounces)


            // Display the number of ounces

            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, cups +" cups equals "+ounces+ " fluid ounces.");

