Web Technology
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You probably know that computers don't communicate with each other the way that people do. Instead, computers require codes or directions. These binary codes and commands allow computers to process needed information. Every second, billions upon billions of ones and zeros are processed in order to provide you with the information you need.
So what does that have to do with your ability to post your latest pictures online? Everything.
The methods by which computers communicate with each other through the use of markup languages and multimedia packages are known as the web technology. In the past few decades, web technology has undergone a dramatic transition, from a few marked-up web pages to the ability to do very specific work on a network without interruption. Let's look at some examples of web technology.
In this course, the students will get an overview of the web technology in general, what are the Internet and other concepts of network connecting devices. Markup languages will be taught to students such HTML, XHTML...etc, and scripting languages such as JavaScripts and it's libraries such as jQuery. CSS will be given for designing and at the end server programming languages will be given to the students such as PHP and MyS
The student should be able to program in HTML, CSS, JavaScripts, and PHP languages. The students should be able to construct websites and understand developing existing websites.
Important Note
This course has to be accompanied by lots and lots of practice. You won’t learn programming, if you don’t practice! It would be like trying to learn how to swim from a book without actually trying it. There is no other way!
Course Assessment
Will be announced later...