4-9 SpeedConverter
Post date: Feb 23, 2014 9:38:07 PM
//This program displays a table of speeds in kph converted to mph.
package speedconverter;
public class SpeedConverter
public static void main(String[] args)
final int STARTTING_KPH = 60; //Starting speed
final int MAX_KPH = 130; //Maximum speed
final int INCREMENT = 10; //Speed increment
int kph; //to hold the speed in kph.
double mph; //to hold the speed in mph;
// Display the table headings.
// Display the speeds.
for (kph = STARTTING_KPH; kph <= MAX_KPH; kph += INCREMENT)
// Calculate the mph.
mph = kph * 0.6214;
// Display the speeds in kph and mph.
System.out.printf("%d\t\t%.1f\n", kph, mph);