Some Solutions

Post date: Jan 20, 2013 8:44:45 PM

HW1):  write program to compute degree of student.

 int x; cin>>x;



 else if(x>=80)


        else if(x>=70)


                else if(x>=60)


                        else if(x>=50)


                                else  cout<<"fail"<<endl;

HW2): write a program in C++ to read three numbers and find the largest.

     int x, y, z;


     if ( (x>y) && (x>z) )   


      else    if ( (y>x) && (y>z) )  




HW3): read  a number and print  if number more than (0) , print positive else if less than (0), print negative ?

  int a; cin>>a;





HW4):print even & odd?

 int x;      






HW5):read two number and one character the represent operation to be performed to these number?

void main()

{int d,f;char g;cin>>d>>f>>g;


else if(g=='-') cout<<d-f;

else if(g=='*')cout<<d*f;

else if(g=='/') cout<<d/f;

else cout<<" Error";

      system("pause");  }




HW6): convert integer number to hex & octal?


using namespace std;

void main()


    int k;





void main()

{int d,f;char g;







default: cout<<"error";

}system("pause"); }